5 mistakes to avoid when engaging suppliers

5 mistakes to avoid when engaging suppliers

For every successful procurement project, there are as many or more unsuccessful projects that run into common pitfalls. The critical success factor to engage suppliers effectively is to identify and avoid common mistakes early on in the process. In this article we identify 5 mistakes to avoid and why it matters. Consider this scenario – […]

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Embracing the circular economy: shaping a sustainable future

Embracing the circular economy: shaping a sustainable future

Circular economy is the hottest topic in sustainability right now. So what is the circular economy? Unlike the dominant linear economy of a ‘take, make, consume and bin’ the circular economy revolves around three principles: Circularity is mostly touched on in conversations with nods of the heads agreeing that it is the right thing to […]

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CDP Reporting: Building a Sustainable Future

CDP Reporting: Building a Sustainable Future

Corporate environmental accountability has become crucial in recent years, as stakeholders evaluate how companies are addressing climate change impacts and emissions. A key resource in this effort is CDP (formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project), an international non-profit organisation that helps corporations create sustainability programs aimed at reducing emissions and pollution into our environment. […]

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Rising to the Net-Zero Challenge:

Rising to the Net-Zero Challenge:

Key Considerations for SMEs Competing in Tenders Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for 5.5 million businesses that drive innovation and job creation in the UK economy. But they also have a significant impact on supply chain carbon emissions, making them a target for accountability under Scope 3 regulation. To address their own indirect carbon […]

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Get Ready for CBAM: The Next EU Regulation Set to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Get Ready for CBAM: The Next EU Regulation Set to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Staying up to date with evolving ESG regulations is more important for businesses than ever before. In this article we explore an EU regulation coming into force in Autumn 2023. It is CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism). Read on to understand what this could mean for your business and prepare for its implementation in October […]

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Sustainability Consultants Come Together To Maximise Your Impact

Sustainability Consultants Come Together To Maximise Your Impact

Attention sustainability consultants! Are you passionate about making a positive impact on businesses and the environment? Join our discovery call with Gavin Tweedie Co-Founder of Net Zero Nation on 11 of May. It’s an opportunity to share ideas with your peers and identify ways to engage SMES and maximise your impact on people and the […]

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The Power of Collaboration: How businesses can reduce their carbon footprint across the supply chains

The Power of Collaboration: How businesses can reduce their carbon footprint across the supply chains

As concerns about climate change continue to grow and become more urgent, businesses around the world are looking for ways to reduce their impact on the planet. However, many companies are still overlooking the impact of their own supply chain on the environment, which is where Scope 3 emissions are under scrutiny.  If you’re wondering […]

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The Scope of Sustainability

The Scope of Sustainability

The Scope of Sustainability The rising awareness of carbon emissions and the rising decarbonising regulation is helping the scope of sustainability rise to the top of the business agenda. However, organisations eager to play their part in decarbonisation are feeling overwhelmed. They are struggling to get their business heads around decarbonisation burying their head in […]

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If you are not integrating ESG today, your business is already being left behind.

If you are not integrating ESG today, your business is already being left behind.

Businesses that ignore ESG will not survive in the next decade. This may sound like an unpopular opinion but read on to discover why ESG matters and the benefits of mastering ESG integration into your business.   In recent years, there has been a growing recognition among organisations of the importance of Environmental, Social and Governance […]

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How third party risk management can help solve your cyber security risks 

How third party risk management can help solve your cyber security risks 

As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. You’re responsible for ensuring that your products or services are of the highest quality, that your employees are happy and productive, and that your customers are satisfied. Add on top of that you are dealing with the energy crisis, supply chain disruption and a […]

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